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Professional Perspective on Reviews and Site Assessment of Firestopping Installations

Over the years there has been many advances in firestopping technology; however in some instances there is still lack of available firestop systems; and in other instances firestop systems are misused or installed incorrectly.  In addition, there are cases where Code requirements with respect to firestopping is not clear, where professionals have to make judgement call with respect to the level of protection required or suitability of the system proposed.

In this presentation Khash Vorell of GHL will cover the following:

Start date: 
Tuesday, November 23, 2021 - 12:00

Fire stopping in Existing Construction- Challenges, Compromises and Realities???

Mike van Geyn of Firestance Professional Services Ltd and John Ivison and Associates have spent almost 3 years working on two vintage wood frame buildings in the lower mainland. The first building had property use issues, rodent infestations, mould, plumbing leaks and remediation issues associated with asbestos containing materials. The decision by the Owners was to replace the plumbing systems and the building boilers/plumbing fixtures, kitchen and bathroom cabinets etc. Existing patches in fire separations had to be fire tested.

Start date: 
Tuesday, March 3, 2015 - 17:30
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