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BC Chapter

Events organized for the BC Chapter of SFPE

Protection of Adjacent Buildings During Construction

Day-to-day monitoring and mitigation of the fire risk during construction is a responsibility of the owner, and typically carried out by the contractor.  However it is becoming more common for local authorities to require a Fire Protection Engineer or other professionals to assess the risk of fire exposure onto adjacent buildings, and propose additional methods for protection when a building under construction is not sufficiently separated from adjacent property. 

Start date: 
Tuesday, January 21, 2020 - 17:30

State of the Society

Brian Meacham (Current President of the SFPE) will address the chapter on the newest initiatives of the Society.  Vancouver has been selected as the host city of the 2021 SFPE International Conference.  Brian will be able to provide some further insights in what benefits this meeting will bring to our local chapter.

Start date: 
Tuesday, December 10, 2019 - 17:30

Industrial Fire and Explosions- The Role of Technical Safety BC in Safety and Explosion Investigations

Most Fire Protection Engineers are familiar with the Gas Safety Division as well as elevating devices division of Technical Safety BC.

Many of the fire and explosion risks set out in the BC Fire Code and other referenced standards- industrial ovens using flammable atmospheres, special atmosphere furnaces, industrial dryers and other potentially explosive operations- fall under the jurisdiction of Technical Safety BC.

Start date: 
Tuesday, November 19, 2019 - 17:30

Industrial Fires and Explosions: WSBC Role

While WorkSafeBC’s (WSBC) activities relate primarily to safety in the workplace, this requires, to a substantial degree, an assessment of facilities in relation to relevant Statutes, Regulations and (some) adopted standards.

Start date: 
Tuesday, October 22, 2019 - 17:30

Fire Protection in Cold Storage Occupancies

It is often assumed that fire risk in cold storage is less hazardous then in heated storage situations. While ambient temperature in cold storage is a factor in both ease of ignition and fire growth, fire losses in cold storage can be significant due to a host of factors including highly combustible insulation, lack of effective fire protection systems and other factors such as delayed notification of a fire and delayed fire service access.

Start date: 
Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - 17:00


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