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BC Chapter

Events organized for the BC Chapter of SFPE

De-risk the Shore - North Shore Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) - Current Approach

Please join us for a presentation on the current municipal approach to protect our extensive forestry areas and address wild fire risks across the north shore (West Vancouver and North Vancouver).

Bruce Blackwell will present his firms approach to protect the shore which has been locally enacted by municipalities

1    Current status / Risk Levels - projection of risk levels based on current approach / consideration for improvement to approach

Start date: 
Tuesday, October 18, 2022 - 12:00

Li-Ion based Battery Energy Storage System: Hazards Evaluation and Mitigation Techniques

Stationary battery energy storage systems (BESS) are gaining prominence as the landscape for energy production is shifting towards renewable resources. Li-Ion batteries are increasingly the preferred type of battery technology for these BESS. However, Li-Ion BESS with their inherent storage technology pose hazardous threats that need to minimized and managed. 

This presentation will include:

·        Overview of current trends in Li-Ion BESS design,

Start date: 
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 12:00

Lithium ion battery fires – Research and challenges


The Lithium-ion battery (LIB) is an important technology for the present and future of energy storage, transport, and consumer electronics. However, many LIB types display a tendency to ignite or release toxic gases. This talk provides an overview of the existing research, the industrial challenges, the causes of LIB fires, and the layers of protection.

Speaker Bio

Start date: 
Thursday, July 28, 2022 - 10:30

Explosion venting calculations

The calculation for explosion venting were originally based on simple venting ratios.  The latest version of NFPA 68 is more complex and requires experience to apply the calculation procedure and get a reasonable sense of confidence of the adequacy of the results - without which explosive failure of enclosures can occur.

In this presentation Mark Mannex will provide an overview of explosions and the approach he adopts to apply the NFPA 68 procedure for venting calculations, including sensitivity analysis to imbue confidence in the results.

Speaker Bio

Start date: 
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 - 12:00

Spatial Separation - The Nuts and Bolts

This presentation encompasses an in-depth examination of the technical aspects of the spatial separation requirements in the Building Code / By-Law including assumptions, simplifications and basis information. The presentation will provide quantifiable details of table development, concentrated openings, compartment-to-compartment exposure, 10-minute FF arrival time and exit/egress exposure.

Speaker Bio

Keith Calder M.Eng., P.Eng

Start date: 
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 - 12:00


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