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BC Chapter

Events organized for the BC Chapter of SFPE

Fire Education initiatives from Seneca Polytechnic




Langara Golf Club

6706 Alberta Street, Vancouver, BC, V3K 3M6



$40 (please pay at event)


Presentation Synposis:

Start date: 
Monday, February 26, 2024 - 18:00

Design Safety Considerations for Passenger Rail Transit-Oriented Developments (TOD)


Aaron Akotuah, MASc, P.Eng., C.P, Senior Engineer-Jensen Hughes.

Start date: 
Tuesday, January 16, 2024 - 12:00

Investigating Existing Software Tools and Schema Integration into Existing BIM-to-FSE Workflows

This presentation is Part 2 of a research series from the SFPE Foundation, in conjunction with the SFPE NCR Chapter.



This webinar will talk about the findings from the “Fire Protection Engineering and BIM Integration” research project. The webinar will address three concepts including: software, data, and interoperability. The webinar will go over results from 35+ stakeholder interviews, the problems these stakeholders encounter, and suggestions for improvements to the software workflows. 

Start date: 
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 - 12:00

Upgrading and Refurbishing Existing Buildings: The role in affordability

Presentation Synopsis:

The refurbishment of existing buildings represents around 50% of the volume of construction activity in Canada. After a significant re-engineering of buildings codes into objectives and functional statements the NBCC has still to include a process for existing buildings.

Start date: 
Tuesday, November 21, 2023 - 12:00

Fire Risk Determination and Economic Evaluation for Fire Protection Systems

Presentation Topic

The presentation explores fire risk analysis methods as well as economic evaluations for fire protection systems. The main purpose of the presentation is to encourage the fire protection community on the development of a common guidance document for fire risk analysis and economic evaluation for fire protection systems.


Start date: 
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 12:00


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