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Building Code

Encapsulated Mass Timber: a new construction type for the 2020 NBC

 This seminar will discuss the fire-related national building and fire code changes related to a new construction type called Encapsulated Mass Timber Construction (EMTC) to be used for wood buildings up to twelve storeys. As well, it will provide an overview of ongoing fire research at the National Research Council of Canada into various performance aspects of mass timber construction and tall wood buildings.

Start date: 
Tuesday, February 22, 2022 - 12:00

Future Strategy and Direction for Building Regulations and BC Building Code processes

In terms of building regulations, the Province of BC relies on the National Building Code as the model document- using the Vancouver Building Bylaw as well as the BC Building Code outside of Vancouver.

Start date: 
Tuesday, December 4, 2018 - 17:30

The History of Building Size Limits in the Building Code

Over the last 80 years, prescriptive height and area limitations have remained relatively unchanged in North American building codes while technological advances and fire service capabilities have improved considerably. Through an examination of historical code development and identification of the risk factors on which codes are based, we can set the stage for a re-examination of public perception with regard to combustible construction.

Start date: 
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - 17:30

Justice Institute Offers CP Program course in Fall 2007

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