Sprinkler Protection for Storage Applications -Tuesday November 19th & Wednesday November 20th
This two-day program provides the participant with the latest procedures for design, layout and Installation of fire sprinkler systems providing fire control and suppression for storage and warehouse occupancies. Participants will understand the criteria required in the design and sprinkler selection for the protection of storage and warehouse occupancies including general storage, rack storage and special storage applications in accordance with NFPA 13.
Plan Review Procedures & Policies –Thursday November 21st
This one day seminar provides attendees with vital information on determining compliance with fire sprinkler system design and installation rules in accordance with NFPA 13. The seminar will help assist the participants with understanding the responsibility of proper design and installation of all types of fire sprinkler systems, and increase the knowledge of the participant with the NFPA Standards as they relate to fire sprinkler systems and their components.
For more information please find attached a copy of the registration form, or to view all of our Seminar Topics and Locations across Canada please visit our website at http://www.casa-firesprinkler.org/education.html All seminar attendee’s will receive a free workbook, continental breakfast, and morning and afternoon coffee break