Welcome to the Web page for the British Columbia Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers. This webpage is for members of the chapter and for those interested in fire protection engineering in British Columbia.  

Safety Regulations & Compliance Specialist (Fire Marshal)

Source:    BC Hydro

Job Title: Safety Regulations & Compliance Specialist (Fire Marshal)

Job Number:   BCH-R-9246-130809E1

Job Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada



Recent Changes and Trends in NFPA 13 Presented by Alex Hoffman P. Eng

An understanding of automatic sprinkler requirements is fundamental to professional practice in fire protection engineering and code consultancy. References in building codes run significantly behind the current version of NFPA 13: the current reference in the Vancouver building bylaw is the 1999 version of the standard. The building code sets out the minimum standard but the ‘duty of care’ demands knowledge of the latest version and any changes that may affect fire and life safety. A number of legal decisions have supported this position.

 The presentation will provide an overview of recent changes in the standard and how these will impact professional practice now and into the future.


 Aleksandar Hoffman P.Eng is the Regional Manager of Viking Fire and a member of the NFPA 13 committee.

Date:  June 18, 2013
Time:  Registration and Reception 5:30pm
Location:  False Creek Yacht Club (1661 Granville Street)
Cost:  $25 Please bring cash or a cheque payable to BC Society of Fire Protection Engineers to cover the cost of dinner.
Registration Deadline:  June 14, 2013

Free parking is available in the Yacht Club parking lot.


Start date: 
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 - 17:30

Vancouver Airport: Fire Alarm and Fire Safety Engineer

Job Description


Challenges and Strategies for Alternative Solutions: the Regulatory versus Consultant’s approach: are they irreconcilable??

Bob Heikkila, Vice president of SFPE BC and principal of CFT Engineering will be the panel moderator.

Start date: 
Tuesday, April 30, 2013 - 17:30

April 23, 2013 - CASA NFPA 13 Overview - 2 Day Seminar

This Two-day seminar provides the information necessary to navigate through the requirements of NFPA 13 “Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems”. Using lectures, videos and basic sprinkler plans the participant will locate the vital information for determining compliance of the sprinkler system design. All attendees will receive a free workbook, continental breakfast, and morning and afternoon coffee break.

Start date: 
Tuesday, April 23, 2013 - 08:00


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