Welcome to the Web page for the British Columbia Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers. This webpage is for members of the chapter and for those interested in fire protection engineering in British Columbia.
The performance results of automatic sprinkler systems was published annually by NFPA up until the 1970s and are often used to quote the expected performance of systems today.
Designs of conventional open solid fuel burning fire places vary; these devices are primitive in terms of efficiency and heat transfer and comfort and result in negative impacts to local air quality, yet remain widely in use. The majority of municipalities will no longer permit the construction of these primitive heating devices.
Fire Protection and Loss Control in Power Generation Facilities:
Power generation facilities vary significantly depending on the mode of Power Generation. For instance, they may be nuclear, hydro-electric, steam powered turbo-generators or wind or tide powered with or without interconnection with private and public utility grids. A combination of facilities is relatively common on large sites.
Tyco is inviting Fire Protection Engineers and other in the industry to attent their Technology and Code Symposium on Jun 2, 2016 in Vancouver at the trade and convention centre.