Welcome to the Web page for the British Columbia Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers. This webpage is for members of the chapter and for those interested in fire protection engineering in British Columbia.  

Novec 1230 Fire Protection Fluid Fixed Extinguishing Systems for property protection, fire and life safety.

Novec 1230 Fire Protection Fluid Fixed Extinguishing Systems for property protection, fire and life safety.

The protection of special hazards has long utilised various clean agents that will suppress and control the fire while significantly reducing equipment damage.

Since the phasing out of halon extinguishing systems due to environment and ozone depletion issues, various clean agent with limited ozone depletion potential have been developed.

Start date: 
Tuesday, February 27, 2018 - 17:30

Integrating Monte Carlo Simulation with zone and field models for Performance-based Fire Safety Engineering design

The Canadian model building code (NBCC) has provision forcompliance using Alternative Solutions that achieve a level of performance required by comparison to Acceptable Solutions. The level of performance is defined by Objectives statements which are specified in terms of minimising the PROBABILITY of risk exposure that the design and construction of the building would pose to occupants (and in some situations properties) in or adjacent to the building in case of emergency.

Start date: 
Tuesday, November 28, 2017 - 17:30

Magnesium Oxide Board: Is it the Drywall of the future?

To create a board,  Magnesium oxide is reacted with either magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate or phosphates forming a cement mixture  that can be cast into thin panels using fiberglass mat reinforcing. These panels are then specially cured to make them useable in residential and commercial building project applications. The result is a strong alternative sheathing material with antimicrobial properties that can  be used over wood and metal structural framing.

Start date: 
Tuesday, October 24, 2017 - 17:30

Water Supplies for Fire Protection: what should they be?

The question of what is an acceptable supply for fire protection? depends on the specific criteria for acceptance. In building code terms, this has long been controversial. At one time, virtually all water supply assessments were carried out by insurance groups of one kind or another. In terms of water supply infrastructure, Insurance Service offices in the USA and Fire Underwriters’ Survey (FUS) in Canada laid out criteria for acceptance and grading of water supplies in municipalities and their ability to fight fire through organization and logistical response.

Start date: 
Tuesday, September 19, 2017 - 17:30

Oct 9-14 SFPE International North American Conference and Expo in Montreal

SFPE Montreal

For the first time ever, SFPE annual North American Conference and Expo will be held in Canada.


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