The BC Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers is pleased to announce Forensic Engineer Arjun Sethi’s presentation “After the Fire: Fire Cause Investigations and Code Implications”. This presentation will offer firsthand insight of a Forensic Investigator’s view into the origin and cause investigation that occurs after a significant fire loss incident, including case studies, common and uncommon fire causes, and how our current and past construction and maintenance codes impact the outcomes of a fire.
Arjun Sethi, P. Eng.,CFEI, is a Forensic Engineer and a Director of the BC Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators ( He is a Professional Engineer in BC and a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator whose work focuses on origin-and-cause investigation of structure and vehicle fires and the analysis of fire protection system failures. This ranges from rapid dispatch to fire scenes after incidents to laboratory examination of fire evidence to determine a root cause. He has conducted hundreds of fire scene and evidence examinations, with locations in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec. Along with forensic engineering, he also assists in with CAN/ULC-S1001 integrated systems testing.